Save time. Score higher.

Auto-complete your homework assignments with the power of Quibble.

✔️ Join 1000+ other students

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    A.I.-Powered Problem Solving

    Quibble leverages GPT-4.0 to deliver the most accurate answers to homework, quiz, and exam problems/questions.

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    Auto-Fill Answers

    Quibble can complete your assignment/quizzes with a single click.

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    Math Mode

    Quibble can solve math problems for you with 100% accuracy

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    Learn More

    Quibble can provide you an explanation for your quiz/assignment answers.

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    Multi-Platform Compatibility

    The Quibble extension seamlessly integrates with leading LMS platforms including Canvas, Blackboard, and many more, providing broad accessibility.

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    Private & Secure

    Quibble operates in a private mode, sitting on top of a student's LMS platform rather than connecting to its API, ensuring students learn how they want to with our tools.

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If you use a supported platform you can use click the quibble button to autofill your assignment

If the Quibble button isn't showing up you can Simply highlight your question and right click, then click the Quibble button. Watch Quibble deliver the correct answer.

The Snipping tool lets you grab image based questions

Math Mode uses the snipping tool but runs the question through a more complex algorithm designed for solving math questions only, However each question will take some time to solve.

Frequently Asked Questions

What learning platforms are supported?

Our button is supported on the following learning platforms: Canvas 2.0, Blackboard and McGraw Hill. Learning platform isn't listed? Just use our text selection right-click feature to find answers on many other Learning Platforms!

Can my school detect I'm using Quibble?

Absolutely not. Quibble is entirely undetectable, our intelligent and discrete systems bypass website tracking.

What languages are supported?

Yes! Quibble will work in the following languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, and Portuguese.

What is the Difference between Quibble Basic and Quibble Expert?

Quibble leverages GPT-4.0mini to deliver the most accurate answers to homework, quiz, and exam problems/questions. Quibble Expert uses GPT 4o which will perform better in higher level courses.

Is it more accurate than Chat GPT?

Yes! Quibble leverages GPT-4 in conjunction with fine-tuned models and an extensive database, far surpassing the accuracy of ChatGPT.